Saturday, August 25, 2007

Human Rights :an important news but not Urgent

by: razan zaitona

Prisons and detention centers in several countries in the Arab world, within «milestones» country's infrastructure. Suffice it to mention the name of a prison or jail in the country concerned, so that is a mixture of feelings of awe, fear and pain when sons Nevertheless, we asked the Moroccan nationals for example, prisons «destroy», «Saydnaya» in Syria, the most «fame» regarding the long history and continuing to arrest political and horrors, mostly real names would not raise any sense to him. Similarly, the result will be that we ask Syrian citizens from Egyptian or Tunisian prisons ... Etc. Either that, we talked about the prisons of Abu Ghraib (during the American occupation and not before) and Guantanamo, it is unlikely that the Arab citizen from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf unheard by and between blocks of committing atrocities and violations. But why and how? Guy «violations of human rights» titles are not attractive to the Arab media, in particular the appearance of it, with important exceptions : expose these abuses at the hands of American imperialism! These top headlines in some States «Antilles-American», «moderate» alike, and with varying degrees That «worsen» relationship - or bad - they originally between State of the medium and the offending State, bringing to the latter figured prominently in the way mentioned. Otherwise, especially for the violation of civil and political rights, the small news quickly before or during news features, is the share of those violations and victims. This does not apply to any case, for a small number of Arab States in the margins wider freedoms, including those media This gives the impression that the violation committed hands «strange» Human Arab citizen, and that is what deserves condemnation and abhorrence and follow-up information, while the violation «internal» is a «sovereign» of the State concerned, is tackled bashfully warned Therefore, humanitarian and citizens abused victim recognized only in the face of «strange». It is boring to repeat that one of the means of directing public anger and indignation to «abroad» instead of foresight in miserable conditions at the domestic level. But it is also a means of maintaining good relations among the various Arab regimes, and taking into account the feelings «deployment laundered at Dirt» and interference in its internal affairs The influence of visual media primarily for still unused spaces at the lawyer. Still a large part of our media, distance himself from contributing to deepen the culture of human rights, and contribute to the preservation of the distance that separates the Arab human rights movement and its impact on large parts of their communities Things happen across several meets making news from the news of a secondary violation will never enjoy «honorably» acquire a «urgent» : First, the speech rubbishing international legitimacy and emptying them of any content or value In contrast, most of the Arab countries signed many treaties for the protection of the rights and freedoms like a protocol did not find any resonance at the level of practical application. Information is not interested, for example, provisions and resolutions issued by the amazing international human rights organs and regional as the European or American Court of Human Rights, as long as the international resolutions on Palestine has been applied, and the United Nations did not protect Iraq from the occupation! Secondly, the order in which occupies News rights violations rights that very rarely comes to the fore As if to entrench the feeling that those violations belong to a normal and natural practice of hand, and that perhaps we should be ashamed to mention compared to what is happening at the hands of occupation forces or the wrath of nature! Thirdly, exposure to the news of the breach event is not merely a past has no background or context. This, in the absence of local independent media-Ghalib - convey sincere and objective picture of the event and its context. Might fall on the Arab human rights movement partial responsibility for the poor orientation intensive information and find channels within those means to communicate their message, as cultural news which, while recognizing the difficulty of this task due to factors related to the same movement and the Arab media alike. Finally, on the sidelines of the talk, it Introduction struck me an article for one of the Arab Writers Finally, it examines the Syrian-Saudi relations crisis, pointing out that «... If Saudi press opened its pages to the opposition only filled criticism and bleak images and abuses from what happened and is happening in our beloved country there, if we do so we will hurt our brothers in syria , talking about the ordinary citizen, which is enough for it ...". I say, the opening of the visual media and read what get abuses against Arab citizens by their governments will «hurts» those citizens or hurtful or degrades dignity The opposite is true, what hurts and harms the deal is far from «policy» Few «Human Rights», with the suffering of the citizens in town, and that makes it a human being with full rights and freedom ... Happiness

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