Friday, August 10, 2007

Arab writer .Where stands. ?

Mahmoud Karam

There is perhaps an exaggeration if we say that the Arab writer, generally enjoys a legal position to grasp the lead general cultural scene, if they recognized beforehand that the cultural landscape in the image outlined Make Arab writer and fed flows intellectual, philosophical and knowledge, but we find that Arab writer, in general, not beyond the level to be an active contributor in the development of cultural landscape cosmic, and so for several reasons, including concern specifically to this moment look long and Mczya spaces for intellectual and cultural identity in the midst of cultural ripples that is rocking the world everywhere, while the cultural landscape not humanitarian on much longer Alhoyateh intellectual trends based on the establishment of cultural isolation space does not have the capacity to contribute to satisfying cultural cosmic space and open new horizons and halls, we find that Arab writer rode to search for the whereabouts of a cultural center of the ripples, but because he was engaged to his identity intellectual national or religious trying to remove us from moving and cultural reality which may become suffers from inertia and Sintering represented Mitrgerja amid surroundings and the environment and reality and identity, and therefore no longer able to create formulas and facts intellectual knowledge for innovation and creativity, and lacks the skill investment facts cultural and intellectual existing mentality deliberative according to the thinking on war and then try to deal with a creative and open spirit, and also not good investment data produced by the cultural modernity to be Accordingly, one of the main tributaries that feed mobility cultural cosmic novelty and deep, open and stabilized, and I find that Arab writer became obsessed concerns fixing cultural identity more than Contributing to the cultural landscape cosmic, and became preoccupied with identity more than engagement to be effective engine in the industry for cultural and intellectual diversity and give impetus cognitive and intellectually inclined and eager for a tug of war and overlap, circulation and intermingling in the depths of this cultural pluralism and thus left his mark distinctive, and therefore the writer, who is searching for a legal myself without the architect of the culture and knowledge Bvdhayatha general humanitarian remain in a vicious cycle of the software practicing cultural Almaboeh Alhoyateh or, in a time when the world today enrolls gradually integrated and upward and deliberative in fact a modern globalized Cooney, and on this point the poet Adonis saying : man is not the same except to the extent that others

In return, we must not lose sight of the painful fact is that the State cultural institutions in the Arab world are not working and not interested in the provision of a legal clerk, or by providing a cultural climate of genuine inspiration and aspirations of a vibrant culture of free congruent with the cultural developments cases everywhere in the world, but works official institutions to be reflecting writer in more than one direction of the culture's ruling authority or reflecting the prevailing culture or Mojtra usual stereotypes of cultures, in a time when the writer practicing free through Frdanith cultural creation and the creation of intellectual free spaces in the collective thinking of the Arab communities, practicing or to create a cultural climate identifies investment and deliberative and positively with the global cultural scene, we find that the official institutions want it to be one way or another, reflecting the cultural orientation and knowledge, in this case either to be educated writer and independent voice free face underdevelopment and political despotism and break the stalemate cultural, or required votes to be added to the many other voices that have no only polish achievements formal authority, in this case is a clash between the writer demon Bajtrah facts and free cultural spaces that contribute to higher levels of culture and ideology in society, and between the official institutions it only wants to be free with write or think or can, therefore, usually the relationship between the writer and the official establishment marred much of inconsistency and lack of harmony and cooperation, and inter other reasons that would not interest official institutions and their legal writer is that the formal institutions cultural does not have a clear vision on the task of the writer and there are no mechanisms for the real investment culture which Eghanha writer, in addition to the lack of official institutions cultural ideology institutional civil, which means first to create spaces free cultural away from the authoritarian ideology or institutional rigid and familiar and routine and normal, and I remember in this area that countries such as Sweden usually adopts and pursues the book concerns outputs interested in holding conferences and cultural Ankara, which thus becomes the latest ideas on the follow-up to writer and intellectual inclinations and the spirit of open discussion and free, and to promote writing on a wider area, as well as build those institutions to provide written directions written comfortable atmosphere him and support by all means and methods, because they know very well that one of the most important foundations of culture to build community Nahed and vital and effective and enriching

But in the other hand, we know how much space that becomes necessary for the clerk to move through which consequently granted legal status befitting Pnchudath creative in the fields of knowledge and cultural formulations, but it is like the claims ambiguous or confused or immersed in the fictional by the writer himself, and not secret that creativity flourishes written in climates of intellectual freedom in a normal atmosphere free of oppression and tyranny intellectual alienation practiced by the authority or community or religious fundamentalist currents, and I think that once provided to the writer reduce natural atmosphere of freedom, that would be enough to provide some direction area him for creativity and excellence and cultural and cognitive tender, and there is believed to be required from the society writer for the unity of others without always be in the face of Cannon says Dr. Ahmed al - Baghdadi, perhaps asking community harshly to defend the causes of community-shoulder responsibility in defending lower when the writer is in a bitter confrontation with political or religious tyranny, and therefore, the writer is not required to believe in a culture of martyrdom in the words of novelist Rauf Musaad, but defending the natural right of expression and opinion and cultural practice without inflicting psychological damage, physical or emotional or plunder dignity, the situation will not improve if the writer is not to absorb the first community the importance of culture in public life, the culture writer tries cultured serious and that Eghanha free from belief in the need to raise standards of knowledge and tank and cash in the society, and society believes in the need to return stand behind the writer, and support and defend, in this case become a community affair Culture years, and not only the responsibility of the writer, and there is another matter when awareness of intellectual and monetary institutions have formal cultural importance of the writer and cultured in strengthening cultural renaissance in the community and providing cultural climates free him away from the domination Trusteeship religious or hierarchy, become such institutions thereby providing a healthy climate genuine writer paid about creativity, practice and starting

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