Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Make your voice heard ... lets help the tunisian poeple

Brothers in humanitarian

What do you know about Tunisia ?
of course, you will say it is beautiful and green and located in north Africa,
of course its arabic country , you can add also that mr Zine El Abidine Ben Ali is the presedent.

dear friend, our freedom and our freedom in expression and opinion is violated in Tunisia .

thousands of prisoners and opponents were still in Tunisian prisons to be tortured and to deal with them in an inhuman .

they are prevented to see thier children , they are deprived of seeing their friends, prevented them from newspapers and magazines .

Do you know this before?

Now you know? ?

What will you do?

add your voice to ours and


No to injustice is not the dictatorship of torture,

yes to freedom, yes to democracy, yes to equality

visit tunis on line where you will get more information about human rights abuses accored dailly .

told a friend about this?

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