WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, are leaders with a long-term vision for the planet.
we envision a world beyond the absolute sovereignty theory of the nation-state, in which the sovereignty of the world's people is primary.
We expect that the people of the world will someday, perhaps in our lifetimes, demand and achieve a well-governed world democracy.
We further declare that it is time to envision such a goal for humankind; in fact, we see no other long-term means for the survival of our species and of the planet itself.
We therefore call for the careful evolution of our institutions of global governance toward genuine planetary democracy and enforceable global law.
Enduring world peace, economic justice, and environmental protection are not utopian ideals; we declare these to be real and achievable goals.
Humankind can best realize these goals, we believe, by setting an intention for creating a world legislature along with individual accountability before world law.
Above all, we hold the vision of an epochal change in human affairs that will put an end to the war system. Just as slavery has been declared illegal, we call for the complete abolition of war.
TOWARD THESE ENDS, we call on leaders in all walks of life to educate all people everywhere about their innate sovereignty and their right to self-government.
Let us seize the opportunity to reinvent our world by working for the great goal of one world democracy and the rule of global law, by supporting immediate efforts to:
Educate everyone, and especially today's young activists, about the need for global law.We believe that generations to come will realize the imperative of enforceable global law through world democracy.
Support efforts to build awareness of world citizenship and to protect human rights.We envision the day when there will be a universal bill of rights that will protect the rights of all people.
Foster grassroots movements for world democracy, including global political parties.
We encourage the world's people to express their innate sovereignty at the individual and global levels.
Start now to create an advisory world legislature or United Nations Peoples' Assembly.Let's begin to take steps on the way to the long-term goal of a truly representative government for all humanity.
Expand the work of ICC and the International Court of Justice at the Hague.Let's move more deliberately toward a genuine world judiciary that can apply global law to individuals and states.
Learn from regional federations of states such as the United States, Europe, and Africa.We encourage the study of these precedents so that we can build toward the coming federation of all nations.
We know that achieving a world democracy under enforceable law could take much time--and to get there, we must take intermediate evolutionary steps. But we believe that leadership in these times means affirming that our goal represents the best hope of humankind.
THE SIGNATORIES BELOW hereby represent that they wholeheartedly support this declaration, and will work in their spheres of influence to achieve the goals stated herein: