Pursuant to freedom of opinion and Publishing ..... I hope you will allow me publish this statement issued by the Christian citizen sees a potential danger God forbid
Only the Secretariat and to testify before God and Christ Makhlsi .... Protection of Christian brothers Egypt beloved national and homeland every Egyptian ... To prevent the fire of sedition that some people try and unfortunately Coptic Christians ignited, which would harm us Christians ... I say, scream before Christ my Lord and Makhlsi Is disagree intestate, and very message of Christ believe that the negative consequences that could be reflected on the Egyptian Christian community would be devastating ..... Where the road and what we want ... And how to get what we want? Mind and dialogue and wisdom ... Extending the hand of fellow Muslims and dialogue on points of disagreement and work on the characters on the points ... Mutual not attack from both sides ... We want life want the word Christ want peace, justice and equality
The Great Father Zakaria Boutros Gams to Azhar they rescued us before it caught on fire leading to the burning of green, and the whole burn Egypt only to the scientific and historical fact : Read and judge yourself Tarikhma Is suffering from a violation of our religious to the extent that justifies the current attack mutual? I leave the answer to you ...... Witness Lord, I tried Makhlsi for Peace and Justice also command
Christian Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt
The word "Copt" is derived from the Greek word "Ajeptus", which in turn derived from the word "Hikabtah", which is one of the names of Memphis, the first capital of ancient Egypt. Currently, the word "Copt" describe Christians Egypt, as well as the latest phase of writing in ancient Egypt. It also describes the distinctive art and architecture which stemmed from the new faith. The Coptic Church is based on the teachings of St. Marmerks, preached Christianity in Egypt, during the period of Roman rule of the Governor "Nyron" in the first century, after nearly twenty years of the rise of Jesus Christ. And Marmerks is one of the evangelists wrote the first Angel. The spread of Christianity in all parts of Egypt during the half-century of access Marmerks to Alexandria (as is clear from the New Testament texts discovered in Bahnasa, Egypt Central, chronicled at 200 m. The fraction of the Gospel of St. John, written very Coptic; found in Upper Egypt marks in the first half of the century II). The Coptic Church - which is now more than nineteen centuries ago - was the subject of many prophecies in the Old Testament. He says the Prophet Isaiah in sanitation 19, verse 19 : "On that day, the altar to the Lord in the center of the land of Egypt, the head of the column when Takhmha
Although European and the full integration of textiles in the Egyptian Copts, the continued strong religious entity, Rest Christian personality clear in the world. The Coptic Church considers itself a strong defender of the Christian faith. Although the compound Nicet-approved by the churches of the world, wrote one of the Coptic Church Greats : the Pope Priesthood, the Pope of Alexandria, who continued on his wheelchair for 46 years (from 327 until 373). Although Egypt's Mahvoth well in this matter, is that fled to the Holy Family fled from the face of Herod : "So, taking the boy and his mother, and went to Egypt. There was the death of Herod, to be what was said that the prophet of God : "Out of Egypt have I called my Son." (13:2 die-15) that the contribution of the Coptic church in Christianity is many. it played an important role in Christian Theology ... The special protected from Alehrtqat Algnuseh. the Coptic Church has protected thousands of texts, and the Evangelical Theological Studies, are important sources of archeology. The Bible has been translated into Coptic in the second century. hundreds of clerks and used copies copies of the Bible and theological books and ritualistic. Now, libraries, museums and universities in the world hundreds of thousands of Coptic manuscripts. The Alexandria Christian School is the first school of its kind in the world, after its inception around 190 m, by the Christian label "Pantinos", became the most important school of Alexandria Institute religious instruction in Christianity. Many prominent bishops from several parts of the world were educated in that school, such as "Athinagors", "Clement", "Didymus", and the brand of "Great theologians once said," which is August theology, which was also active in the interpretation of the Bible and the Evangelical Studies comparison. He has written more than 6000 explanation of the Bible, plus the book "Hecassapla" famous. He visited many Christian scholars Alexandria school, such as St "Jerome" for the exchange of ideas and directly related to scholars. The goal of Alexandria School was not confined to theological matters, because the other sciences, such as science, mathematics and the sciences were taught there. It started way "question and answer" in the interpretation started there. It should be noted that there were ways to dig on wood for the use of qualified scholars to read and write them, before Braille 15 century old! The revival of the Theological School of Alexandria Christian School in 1893. Today, with university buildings in Alexandria, Cairo, New Jersey, Los Angeles, where he taught candidates for the priesthood Nawal password, and men ladies and qualified many Christian Kallahout science, history, language and art Coptic Coptic .. in addition to Intonation and Alaiguenh (making icons), music and making tissue. Anba quoted from the Takla has emerged monasticism in Egypt and had a significant influence in the formation of the Coptic Church in personal humility and obedience, and thanks to all the teachings and writings fathers ground bone Egypt (in the meadow monks, and others). hermitage has begun in the late third century and flourished in the fourth century. It is noteworthy that Anba Antonius, the first monk in the Christian world, the Copts of Upper Egypt. Anba Bakhomious, who founded the company and monasticism, the Copts as well. Anba Paula, the first tourists were Copts. There are many celebrity fathers Copts, we remind them, for example, are not limited to : Anba Makarios, and Anba Moussa Black, Marmena Alejaibi .. It parents Wild modern Pope Kirullos VI and student Anba Mena AFA Meena (moving). By the end of the fourth century, there were hundreds of monasteries, and thousands of Kalali and caves spread over all the land of Egypt. Many of these monasteries are still thriving, and performed many of the asylum monasticism and the hundreds parents monks to this day. Every Christian monasteries, stemmed roots - directly or indirectly-from the article said. He visited Saint Basilios-an orderly movement priesthood in Asia Minor Egypt in the year 357-m. the Eastern churches have followed that example;, St-Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin-A Egypt in the year to 400 meters. leaving the details of his experiences in Egypt. as well as St Benedictine monasteries founded in the sixth century as an example, what St. Bakhomious, but in a more assertive. The parents also visited the land is not a final number of Travelers and tourists Keldoa way of life and spiritual discipline .. More than that, there are indications Missionaries Coptic in northern Europe. One example is St. Maurice Battalion Commander Taibeh who left Egypt to serve in Rome, and ended up by the education and preaching Christianity of the inhabitants of the mountains of Switzerland, where the small town bearing his name, it contains the body DERA Bible, in addition to books, some of his belongings. There is also a saint least from the Uruguayan Taibeh a St. Victor, known among the Copts as "Qatar
The toys Popes and patriarchs of Alexandria leading role in Christian Theology, under the authority of the Eastern Roman Empire Constantinople (against Western imperial Rome). It had been invited to everywhere to talk about the Christian faith. The top-Pope Kirullos Pope of Alexandria-ecumenical City Ephesians years 430 m. The Archbishop of Alexandria said they spend all their time in meetings and rallies! Did not stop the leading role when the overlap in policy matters church. This was when the emperor began Marcianos intervene in the affairs of faith in the church. The response Dioskoros Pope-Pope of Alexandria, which was denied later - and clearly : "You do not have any income that church!" This came out more political motives in Khalghedonet year 451, when accused of unfairly using the Coptic Church teachings "Autakhi" which Wickered monophysitism. This heresy says that Jesus Christ had only one nature (Divine), and not Tapiaataan : divine and human. The Egyptian church never believed that, in a manner described in the compound Khalghedonet. And that means in the compound, one faith, of course. We Copts believe that Jesus Christ fully in Ahouth, fully Nasuth, two Tapiaataan Tionstan in nature and one is the "nature of the word", which explained the Pope Cyril of Alexandria. Copts then, believe Btapiaataan : "theological" and "Nassouteh", namely Tionstan without mixing or blending, and change "(this last part of the faith that prayer is recited at the end of Mass). These Tapiaataan "Ifterka not for one moment does not wink." Quoted from the church Anba Tecla
The Coptic Church has accused the error in the compound Khalghedonet in the 5th century. It may have been correct this misconception, but they wanted the dimensions of the church and Yazzloha, and obstructing legal Patriarch Egyptian independent, who insisted that the church is separate from the State. In spite of all this, the church has been sincere and steadfast in their faith. If what happened just a conspiracy of the Eastern churches to isolate the Coptic Church as punishment for its refusal to succumb to political, or if it is because that Pope Dioskoros did not go to the second degree inclination to clarify that Copts have more non-believers nature one, we have always felt the Coptic Church authority to serve the important difference between all Christian churches. This is clearly evident in the person of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Patriarch Al Khalifa Marmerks 117; where he says : "Faith is the most important thing for the Coptic Church, and others must be aware that terminology and other non important for us." During the last century, the Church played an important role in the global Christian movement. Hence Coptic is one of the first to set up a "World Council of Churches." Has been a member of this Council until 1948. The Coptic Church also is a member of the "Council of the Churches of all of Africa" and "Middle East Council of Churches." The Coptic Church plays an important role in the management of dialogue to resolve the fundamental differences between them and Catholic churches, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterians, Protestants
Perhaps the Red is the real pride of the Coptic Church. Vvcher church is perhaps persecution, which began on Monday, May 8 m 68. (After Easter), when he cited Graham Gdisna Mar Mark Prophet, after dragging their feet by the Romans and soldiers marched along the streets of Alexandria and all Zakkakha. Copts have been persecuted by the rulers of Egypt, almost all. To the extent that the Coptic church pastors had been tortured and exiled even at the hands of their fellow Christians, after the split compound Khalghedonet in 451 m. Even opening the Arabs to Egypt in 641 m. To emphasize their love of the Cross, has taken Coptic calendar, called the martyrs calendar, which begins custody on Saturday, August 29 284 m, to commemorate the martyrs of faith in the era of Roman Emperor Deghldianos. This evaluation is still used by farmers in Egypt for tracking changes in agricultural as well as chapters in a book chapters to be used for services performed and church events
It flourished Coptic Church and Christian Egypt remained about 4 centuries after the Arab conquest of Egypt. This was due to the special position enjoyed by the Copts, because the prophet Mohammed-Islam - which had a wife is Egyptian Coptic Marais (or Maria Coptic), a mother and son Ibrahim, the quiet deal with the Copts, said : "When you open Egypt, Be good with the Christians, because they are under your and your neighbors Nspaak." The Copts were allowed to practice their religion freely, and they were independent significantly, provided that pay tribute, to protect them as "dhimmah." And the persons who are unable Tollage, one of the following choices : either convert to Islam, or the protection of Muslims, which sometimes mean death! The church flourished and enjoyed a period intact, in spite of laws that require additional payment, which was imposed on them in the period of 750-868 m and 905 m-935, under the rule Alaabasien. The writings that have so far remained from the period between the eighth and 11th, that there was no severe impact of the activities of the workers and manufacturers Copts, Calhaekin, working in the field of leather, painter, who worked in wood. The Coptic language during that period is the official language of the country, did not appear inscriptions in both languages Arabic and Coptic before the middle of the eleventh century. In early literature books are in Arabic is a book written by children Alasal (honey makers), and the breakdown of law and the principles of cultural, and the customs and traditions of that important period, and after about 500 years of the Arab conquest of Egypt. But the use and adoption of the Arabic language such as language in the official daily transactions slow, to the extent that Makrisi said in the 15th century, that the Coptic language is still frequently used. The Coptic language is the language used by the Coptic Church in prayer. Quoted from the church Anba Takla has begun changing face of Christian Egypt, with the beginnings of the second millennium, when the Copts suffer - in addition to push them tribute-some obstacles, some of which were serious and interfere with their freedom of worship! For example, there were restrictions on the restoration of old churches or building new churches, and there were restrictions on the testimony in court, in daily transactions, and adoption, inheritance, and restrictions on religious activities public, and through the confusion! And quietly, but regularly, change the face of Egypt's mostly Christian and mostly Muslim Egypt become the ends of the 12th century and lived Copts second-class citizens, they expected hostility from Muslims at any time, which increased with time and become violent! It is worth noting that the best that the best interest of the Copts - was associated in one way or another - well and the rulers. In particular, the Copts have suffered greatly when the Arab rule in the bad situation.
The event began Copts improved in the early 1800s, Muhammad Ali with a tone of stability and tolerance. Withdrew consideration to the Coptic community as a separate, and stopped the main pillar of the inferiority to the Copts, a tribute, and that was in 1855, and the Copts military service began shortly after that .. The revolution of 1919. The return is the Egyptian personality after centuries throughout, this revolution stands witness to the unity and harmony between its two components of modern Egypt, Muslim and Coptic. This unit is to keep the Egyptian society and one in front of intolerance of extremist groups, who were persecuted Copts and terrorize .. Just martyrs authorities, the likes of the Reverend Mark Khalil, the miracle survival of the Copts and fortitude .. Despite the persecution, they did not control the Coptic Church, the Coptic Church did not allow themselves to enter into governance in Egypt. This separation between state and religion based on the words of the Lord Jesus himself : "What gave to Caesar to Caesar, and to God to God." (Matthew 21:22). The Coptic Church did not begin resisting authorities or invaders, and did not take any power, because the words of Jesus Christ and clear : "CIVIC response to the location, because all who take the sword, the sword perishing." (Matthew 52:26). The survival of the Coptic Church until this day and age is a vivid example of the correctness and wisdom teachings.
The 1992 statistics indicate that the number of Copts more than nine million of 57 million citizens, who are participating and attending divine services performed daily in thousands of Coptic Churches in different governorates in Egypt. This is in addition to more than two million one hundred thousand Coptic expatriates in the land, are hundreds of churches, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Brazil and many other countries in Asia and Africa. Within Egypt, Copts living in cities, and do not represent the majority in any of these cities .. Spreading culture, and history, and religious treasures throughout Egypt, even in the remotest oasis, a haven emerging in the depths of Western Sahara. And on a personal level, had arrived Copts levels of high academic and practical, of whom Dr.. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary-General VI of the United Nations (1992-1997), as well as Dr. Magdi Yacoub, one of the most heart surgeons in the world. Quoted from the site Anba Tecla
The Coptic Church believes seven secrets (secrets of the Church of Seven), the secret of baptism, the secret confirmations (stabilization), the secret deal, secret repentance and recognition, the secret of the priesthood, marriage secret, the secret of surveyed patients. Gen. interpreted to be a few weeks after birth through each object submerged in the water three times in the Chapel. As for the secret of baptisms, are Bershem object Oil confirmations after Gen. directly. For Treasurer recognition are periodically on August recognition, which is important to exercise the secret password handling. It is appropriate to recognize each family priest, and one, to make it a family adviser. Contrary to all the holy mysteries, interpreted marriage is the only one that can not be done during the period of fasting. Polygamy is not available, even if it is recognized by the laws of the country. The divorce is not allowed except in the case of adultery, the work could void marriage in the case of a polygamous marriage, or some other extreme cases, which must be reviewed by the bishops particular. This could be divorce by the husband or wife. No one is the recognition of civil divorce. There is the Church's objection or any objection to the civil laws of the country, as long as not inconsistent with the secrets of the Holy Church. There is the Church-in fact they refused to lay down the law - or official stance against certain controversial issues (for example, stillbirths). While there is the clear teachings of the Church on these matters (for example, abortion is contrary to the will of God), in her prefers to be dealing with such matters on a case by case basis through August recognition, it has a full delegation from God to judge such acts as a campus or not. There are three rites or disseminates essential in the Coptic Church : Mass Saint Basilios bishop caesarean; Mass. St Gregorios Alnisi bishop of Constantinople; and Mass Pope Kirullos I, the Patriarch No. 24. The basis or the spirit of the Mass Alcairelsi inspired by the Mass Marmerks (in Greek) from the first century. The peacekeepers and the practice of prayers by priests and bishops that has been translated by the Coptic Pope Kirullos first. Today, what remains of these three disseminates used in prayer, with some sections added (such as slander). It should be noted that the Mass bacillic most often used in the Coptic Orthodox Church. The worship of saints, is a matter entirely of the Coptic Church, however, asked Shvaatham (such as the Virgin Mary intercedes Ms.) is nothing fixed in any Coptic prayer. All Coptic church called on the name of patron saint. Among all the saints, Mrs. Virgin Mary, the mother of God has a special place in the hearts of all Copts. The emergence consecutive day in a small church Zeitun neighborhood in Cairo for more than a month in April 1968, this was a remarkable appearance of thousands of Egyptians, Copts, Muslims, and more, has been broadcasting some of this footage appearing on Egyptian national television. Copts celebrate Christmas Cede seven major, seven Cede Christmas story. Valaiad Saydia Africa is the Eid Al, Christmas and Epiphany divine (diver) and one Zaaf (Palm) and the Resurrection and Ascension, Eid Albenidikouste (ie Pentecost is Eid solutions Holy Spirit day session, Pentecoste, and the speech is a Greek word means forum or ceremony), as well as Christmas celebrated in the January 7 each year. Church stresses more on the arrival of Jesus Christ birth, as well as the better of the holy resurrection. Traditionally, the Easter on Sunday following after it becomes Moon in the spring. As for the holidays Saydia smaller, it is Eid circumcision, and the entry of Jesus Christ to the structure, and coming to the land of Egypt, Eid wedding of Cana of Galilee, and Presentation, Maundy Thursday, Eid renewal Thomas. The result Coptic bus holidays and other Ahtvlat commemorate the martyrdom of saints or transition famous (like Marcus Mar, Mar Mena, St. George, St. Takla Himanot, martyred Barbara, landlords Mikhail ... Etc.) in history canon. Quoted from the Church of Christian Copts have Takla seasons of Aswam not exist in any other Christian sect, it is the 365 days per year, Fasts Copts more than 210 days! During fasting, is not allowed to address any of the animal products (meat, poultry, milk, eggs, butter .. Etc.). The more a matter of that, apart from addressing allowed any food or drink from sunrise until sunset! But the strict rules of fasting Alangtai these often simplified as an individual person's situation in terms of illness or weakness, age or other .. That Lent is the most important Alaswam concerns of Copts. Week of Lent, which begins a prelude to this important fasting, followed by 40 days of Lent buried like a bad memory of Jesus Christ on the mountain forty days, followed by a week the pain (name Albesch Pasqua), which is considered the peak in this fasting .. It represents the pain all week and even steel in the Good Friday and Easter joyful end. It Alaswam other Lent arrival of Jesus Christ to the world Christmas, and Lent messengers, and Ms. Lent Virgin Mary, and Nineveh Lent Arabic to English BETAChinese to English BETAChinese (Simplified to Traditional) BETAChinese (Traditional to Simplified) BETAEnglish to Arabic BETAEnglish to Chinese (Simplified) BETAEnglish to Chinese (Traditional) BETAEnglish to FrenchEnglish to GermanEnglish to ItalianEnglish to Japanese BETAEnglish to Korean BETAEnglish to PortugueseEnglish to Russian BETAEnglish to SpanishFrench to EnglishFrench to GermanGerman to EnglishGerman to FrenchItalian to EnglishJapanese to English BETAKorean to English BETAPortuguese to EnglishRussian to English BETASpanish to English Translate a Web Page Arabic to English BETAChinese to English BETAChinese (Simplified to Traditional) BETAChinese (Traditional to Simplified) BETAEnglish to Arabic BETAEnglish to Chinese (Simplified) BETAEnglish to Chinese (Traditional) BETAEnglish to FrenchEnglish to GermanEnglish to ItalianEnglish to Japanese BETAEnglish to Korean BETAEnglish to PortugueseEnglish to Russian BETAEnglish to SpanishFrench to EnglishFrench to GermanGerman to EnglishGerman to FrenchItalian to EnglishJapanese to English BETAKorean to English BETAPortuguese to EnglishRussian to English BETASpanish to English
Headed by the Coptic Church, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark and find information on His Holiness here at the site Anba Takla, beneath parents bishops who supervised priests parents turn to the parishes. All of the Patriarch and all bishops must be hermits, and all members of the Sacred Assembly, which meets periodically to start things of faith and believers in the company. In spite of the Father Patriarch be at a high level and greatly appreciated by all Christians, but it does not enjoy increased over the level is not from infallible. Today there are more than 90 Coptic bishop dioceses begin work inside and outside Egypt (like Sudan, and Jerusalem, West Africa, France, England, USA). That responsibility pastoral community's main Coptic in any parish rests with the parents of priests and pastors, and they must study in college seminary before Rsamtem. There are two categories - Akhrytan Khenottitan interested in the affairs of the church. First elected by the Milli Majlis Coptic, which appeared on the scene in 1883. To read is the road between the church and government. Second is the Coptic religious endowments, and appeared on the scene in 1928. To initiate and monitor the management of Awqaf Coptic Church through Egyptian law. Copts and prayed daily, in all Coptic Churches, for the unity of all Christian churches. They are coming to Egypt, the Nile, crop, and its president, and army, and Zimbabwe, and above all its people. They pray for world peace, for the good and welfare of all mankind